How to create a poll for Zoom meetings ?
How to create a poll for Zoom meetings ? Zoom has several important features built into its platform and one of such feature is the ability for users to create polls that can be launched during a meeting. The user can create a single-choice or multi-choice polls and can see the live results. However, to use the polling feature in Zoom, the host user needs to have a license as the free version of Zoom doesn’t support it yet. Also, the host needs to be using a desktop client to manage polling but the participants can use iOS or Android app. In this guide, we’ll show you how you can create polls in Zoom. The guide is divided into three sections — enabling polls in zoom, creating a new poll, and launching poll during meeting to get responses. Enable Polls for Zoom Meetings Step 1: Open and log-in to Zoom in your browser and then go to “Account Settings”. Step 2: Under “Account Management” in the “Admin” group, go to “Meeting” tab and scroll down to “Polling”. N...